Month: May 2013

Five Ways of Improving Your Photography

These may be blindingly obvious. The challenge however is not knowing them but doing them. These are five things I am ‘committing’ to, to try and improve my photography. Thought I’d share and would welcome any comments to see what others do that improves their image making skills. Take more

Quiet Day at Home

Quiet day ‘working’ at home and missing taking some snaps. Noticed my cacti are all flowering… …and Spring is well underway in the garden: Both pictures taken using the wonderful Olympus M.ZUIKO 60mm f/2.8 Macro.  

My Five (Current) Favourite Photography Quotes

Here are my (current) five favourite photography quotes as of May 17, 2013 (my birthday), I shall review in a years time. “Time eventually positions most photographs, even the most amateurish, at the level of art.” – Susan Sontag “You see, if you don’t take money they can’t tell you

The Tools We Use

There is a question often asked of photographers which is why do they spend so much time looking at, comparing and then buying the latest camera or lens when virtually no other artist indulges in such pursuits but instead focuses on the art itself. After all, painters do not spend

OM-D Studio Shoot Part II

Here are a couple more shots, and corresponding lighting diagrams, from my recent shoot at Tip Top Photography in Birmingham with Jodie. See here for Part I. The first shot is a nice head and shoulders of Jodie. I’ve applied a bit of skin smoothing on this using PortraitProfessional. Here’s

Olympus Pen 50 Years On

Today Olympus have announced the latest member of their retro camera club – the Olympus Pen E-P5, the micro four thirds, digital retake of the 35mm film Pen F which is 50 years old this year. It looks and sounds fantastic. Do I need one? No. Can I afford one?

Life of a Lonely Bur Oak

This is a beautiful and inspiring blog that captures, in pictures, a year in the life of a bur oak tree in Iowa, United States. The photographer is Mark Hirsch, an editorial and corporate photographer. The blog is made more amazing by the fact that all pictures are taken using

OM-D Studio Shoot Part I

I finally got around to trying out my Olympus OM-D in a studio with the Midlands based model Jodie at Tip Top Photography in the Jewellery Quarter of Birmingham. Although I’ve been dabbling in studio work for a couple of years now I still feel I don’t do enough of

Warwickshire Weekend

I am fortunate enough to have two National Trust properties, Packwood House and Baddesley Clinton, within a short cycle ride of where I live so this May Day weekend holiday, which bought some glorious weather with it, was an excellent opportunity to get out with the OM-D and a couple

Olympus WOW Days in Birmingham

Damian (‘The Big Dog’) McGillicuddy will be running two Olympus WOW ‘walking the talk’ sessions at my favourite studio, Tip Top Photography in the Jewellery Quarter of Birmingham, on Saturday 20th July. He’s also running a full experience day on Sunday 21st, also at Tip Top. This will be a

A Website.